September-2022: Paper titled “SoK: Limitations of Confidential Computing via TEEs for High-Performance Compute Systems” accepted and presented at IEEE International Symposium on Secure and Private Execution Environment Design (SEED).
August-2022: Presented work on future heterogeneous memory system modeling in gem5 at Workshop on Modeling & Simulation of Systems and Applications (ModSim), August 2022.
June-2022: Presented work on memory system modeling at 4th gem5 Users’ Workshop associated with ISCA.
June-2022: Presented our work on design of data enclaves for scientific computing at DOE Data Days Workshop, LLNL.
December-2021: I passed my PhD QE and became a PhD Candidate.
August-2021: Presented our work on simulating TEEs at Workshop on Modeling & Simulation of Sys- tems and Applications (ModSim).
June-2021: Our paper “Enabling Design Space Exploration for RISC-V Secure Compute Environments” accepted and presented at Fifth Workshop on Computer Architecture Research with RISC-V (CARRV 2021), with ISCA 2021.
May-2021: Presented a paper on benchmarking of hardware based Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) for Scientific Computing at IPDPS 2021.
April-2021: Presented our work on “Architectures for Secure High-Performance Computing” at Young Architect Workshop (YArch ’21) held in conjunction with ASPLOS.
April-2021: Presented our work on trusted execution for HPC at EuroSys Doctoral Work- shop (EuroDW 2021).
Feb-2021: Our paper “Enabling reproducible and agile full-system simulation” is accepted to ISPASS 2021 and nominated for Best Paper Award.
Dec-2020: Paper on benchmarking of hardware based Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) for Scientific Computing accepted to IPDPS 2021 [arxiv version].
Dec-2020: A review paper on the use of machine learning for computer architecture research is available on arxiv [paper].
Dec-2020: I will be serving on the Program Committee at The 10th International Workshop on Genetic Improvement @ICSE 2021.
Nov-2020: A blog post on how to set up a trusted HPC system on Google cloud and performance implications of secure execution is available here.
Aug-2020: Presented our work on gem5art at ModSim’2020 [code].
July-2020: A paper on gem5 version 20.0+ is up on arxiv [paper].
July-2020: Presented our work on gem5art at gem5 User’s Workshop 2020 [code].
June – August-2020: Virtually participated in the Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences Summer Student Program as an LBNL affiliate.
Nov-2019: Presented our work on initial validation of gem5 for x86 targets at PMBS19 at SC 19, Denver, CO. [Slides] [Paper]
July-2019: Presented our preliminary work on use of TEEs for HPC at Open Source Enclave Workshop. [Video].