Talks and Presentations
gem5art: Artifact, Reproducibility and Testing Framework for gem5, August 2020, Workshop on Modeling & Simulation of Systems and Applications (ModSim 2020), Virtual.
gem5art: Zen and the Art of gem5 Experiments, June 2020, gem5 User’s Workshop in conjunction with ISCA 2020, Virtual. [Video] [Blog]
Validation of the gem5 Simulator for x86 Architectures, November 2019, 10th IEEE Internation Performance Modeling, Benchmarking and Simulation of High Performance Computer Systems (PMBS19) in conjunction with SC 19, Denver, CO. [Slides] [Paper]
Using Trusted Execution Environments on High Performance Computing Platforms, July 2019, Open-Source Enclave Workshop, UC Berkeley. [Video] [Slides]